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Corso di Laurea Triennale in Tecniche di Laboratorio Biomedico


Bachelor's Degree Course President: prof. Mario Pazzagli
President of the Bachelor's Degree Course Council
Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche Sperimentali e cliniche
Sezione di Biochimica Clinica
V.le Pieraccini 6, 50139 FIRENZE
Tel. 055.4271340 - Fax 055.4271371


Lecturers Coordinator - LC
The LC, supported by trainers and tutors of the professional profile, is the referent for the educational framework of the professional activities; the LC collaborates with the President to define the didactic planning and participates to the meetings of Educational Committee and the Self-assessment Group of the Degree Course.

LC: Alba Marzo
Nuovo Ingresso Careggi, PAD.3 , stanza 103
Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Careggi
Largo Brambilla, 3 - 50141 Firenze
Tel. 055.7947114 - Cell. 335.8284777
Email: – –


Bachelor's Degree Course Council
The Bachelor's Degree Course Council is chaired by the Degree Course President and includes all the lecturers that perform any didactic activity of the Degree Course, as well as the LC.


Educational Committee

  • It carries out investigations for the Degree Course Council;
  • it deliberates about students' careers, lecturing selections and tutors and trainers selections;
  • its members are: Alba Marzo, Stefano Balsimelli, prof. Chiara Nediani, Roberta Sestini, prof. Mario Pazzagli.


Self-assessment Group
President of the Self-assessment Group and responsible for the Bachelor's Degree Course Quality Assessment: Alba Marzo
Management Reviewer: prof. Mario Pazzagli
Member: Stefano Balsimelli
Administrative roles: Valentina Papa, Francesco Epifani
Students representatives


Tutors Supervisors:

  • Alba Marzo (Firenze)
  • Stefano Balsimelli (Figline Valdarno)

Internationalization activities: Alba Marzo
Students representatives (2015/2017): Alessandra Angelini 

last update: 11-Sep-2015
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